Item flags

Equipment, weapons and consumables will often have different flags that denote special properties that they possess.


Many items can only be used by those of good, evil, or neutral resonance. Attempts to hold, wear or use these items with incorrect resonance results in the user being zapped and the item often falling to the floor.


Blessed items, much like evil items, are more resistant to magical destruction such as shattering, and wearing such items may have interactions with other spells such as Yithmakra's Chosen.


Items with the glowing tag can provide light to a room. Sufficient amounts of glowing equipment can overcome natural and unnatural sources of darkness.


Humming items hum. The flag also slightly protects from shatter effects.


Items with the magic flag are magic in some way.


Items with the no-disarm flag cannot be disarmed.


Items with the no-destroy flag cannot be destroyed by players, or sacrificed to a god.


Frequently found on cursed items, items with the no-remove tag cannot be taken from a characters inventory once picked up, or removed from equipment once worn or held. The most common way to lose a no-remove item is to leave it on ones corpse.


Items with the no-uncurse flag cannot have its curse removed by ritual cleansing. Often, this will mean that the item cannot be dropped or removed.

Rot Death

Items with the rot death flag decay shortly after the person carrying them dies.


Vampiric items steal a portion of damage done as life for the user.