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21 January 2025

     03:20  Classes diffhist +117 Taski talk contribs

20 January 2025

     17:49  Void scholar diffhist +12 Undaedalus talk contribs (→‎Minor & Major Void)

19 January 2025

     21:22  Fire scholar diffhist +12 Undaedalus talk contribs (→‎Skills)
N    03:18  Avendar:Prog Section 1‎‎ 2 changes history +5,333 [Elanthe‎ (2×)]
03:18 (cur | prev) −178 Elanthe talk contribs
03:07 (cur | prev) +5,511 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=Prog Structure and Practice= <i>"It's just a puzzle box."</i> -- Kirstie, Hellraiser : Firstly, there are three classes of entities in the game which can have progs: Mobiles, : Objects, and Rooms. Broadly speaking, the syntax used on each of these prog types is the : same. Respectively, these are referred to as mobprogs, objprogs, or room progs. Over time, : the prog system has been rationalized so that the syntax for mpcommands and if checks is : the same acros...")
N    03:10  Avendar:References‎‎ 5 changes history +1,487 [Elanthe‎ (5×)]
03:10 (cur | prev) −155 Elanthe talk contribs (→‎Prog guide)
02:58 (cur | prev) −37 Elanthe talk contribs (→‎OLC Guide)
02:58 (cur | prev) +94 Elanthe talk contribs
02:57 (cur | prev) +1,556 Elanthe talk contribs
02:52 (cur | prev) +29 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "let's get this partay started")
N    03:10  Avendar:Prog Appendix 6 diffhist +6,504 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 6: Generic Prog Skeletons = In this section, we will include generic versions of whole progs, to be cannibalized and adapted for future use. Make the parts that need to be changed obvious! == Object Decay == Prevent useless items that might otherwise pile up as useless clutter from doing so. Other uses are to keep particular items from stashing/vault hording (though there would need to be a good reason for such), or having a "Stone of Power"-like random plac...")
N    03:09  Avendar:Prog Appendix 5 diffhist +603 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 5: Addaffect Notes = In this section we will specify the proper bitvectors to use for addaffects that are not straightforward in nature, usually because of some code trickery done by Aeolis. <b><i>99.</i> nightfears</b>: In order to properly put the nightfears affect on a player, the "modifier" field of the affect must start out as either "100", "200", or "300", depending on which nightmare they are to have. As well, if you want nightfears to keep them asle...")
N    03:09  Avendar:Prog Appendix 4 diffhist +2,554 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 4: List of If Checks = if adrenaline(var) == # if cansee(var) == var2 if charisma(var) == # if class(var) == # if compstr(#) == arg if compx() == arg if constitution(var) == # if demonstate() == # if dexterity(var) == # if goldamt(var) == # if hasboat(var) if haspath(npc) if hasrelief(var) if hassymbol(var) == arg if hitprcnt(var) == # if inarea(var) if inhouse(var) == House if inroom(var) == vnum of room if intelligence(var...")
N    03:09  Avendar:Prog Appendix 3 diffhist +1,360 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 3: List of Commands = Mpabishai Mpaddaffect Mpaddskill Mpaddsymbol Mpaddtree Mpagduk Mpasound Mpat Mpbarkjaset Mpbarkjayes Mpbitset Mpbittrigger Mpbrand Mpcast Mpcastoff Mpchagrob Mpcursebarkja Mpdamage Mpdamfrom Mpdammess Mpdamtype Mpdemonbind Mpdemonid Mpdemonpcid Mpdesc Mpdisarm Mpdoppel Mpecharound Mpecho Mpecho_fight Mpechoat Mpescape Mpexit Mpfindpath Mpflag Mpfocus Mpforce Mpforget Mpgecho Mpget Mpgetroomvnum Mp...")
N    03:08  Avendar:Prog Appendix 2 diffhist +408 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 2: List of Prog_Triggers = :Act_prog :All_death_prog :All_greet_prog :Attack_prog :Bribe_prog :Data_prog :Death_prog :Demon_prog :Drink_prog :Eat_prog :Entry_prog :Exit_prog :Fight_prog :Give_prog :Greet_prog :Hail_prog :Hit_prog :Hitprcnt_prog :Hour_prog :Load_prog :Rand_prog :Remove_prog :Sac_prog :Speech_prog :Sub_prog :Take_prog :Tick_prog :Time_prog :Trigger_prog :Verb_prog :Wear_prog")
N    03:08  Avendar:Prog Appendix 1 diffhist +3,565 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Appendix 1: Common Mob Prog Troubleshooting Issues = : <i>"I felt like destroying something beautiful"</i> : -- Narrator, Fight Club Over time, a great deal has been done to minimize the ways in which progs can crash the mud. However, people [Dovolente] often managed to find ways to do this. Consequently, this appendix has been created to help builders spot the most common types of crashes and problems we see. <b>Common Problem 1: Infinite Loops</b> :The infinite...")
N    03:08  Avendar:Prog Section 5 diffhist +5,261 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=Mobile Memory and PC Data Fields= <i>"We all have nightmares to remind ourselves who we really are."</i> -- Leonard Shelby, Memento : One of the most prominently lacking features from the original prog specification was : the ability for mobile’s to have a notion of "memory", or the total lack of any internal : state (other than ‘fighting’ or ‘not fighting’). : For example, mobiles could do none of the following: : - Remember w...")
N    03:08  Avendar:Prog Section 4 diffhist +40,053 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "== Prog Triggers: Comprehensive Listing == <i>"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho</i> <i>that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning.</i> <i>It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."</i> -- Mentat Piter de Vries, Dune ===Triggers Relating to Movement=== ====entry_prog==== :An entry_prog is a prog that triggers whenever the mobile that it is on enters a room. So, if you want a mobile that...")
N    03:07  Avendar:Prog Section 3 diffhist +12,479 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=Control Structures= <i>"We offered them ORDER!"</i> -- Khan, Star Trek: Episode 24: Space Seed : As we have seen, control structures allow us to alter the normally linear order : in which program commands are executed. ==If Checks== : The most common type of control structure is the if check, which tests to see if : a certain aspect of the game world is true or false. An if check alters the flow of : the program so that if it is true, a block of commands fo...")
N    03:07  Avendar:Prog Section 6 diffhist +59,588 Aeoleri talk contribs (Created page with "=MP Commands= <i>"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."</i> -- Sir Francis Bacon ==Communication== '''mpasound''' : Syntax: mpasound <text_string> : Prints the text as an echo to all surrounding rooms surrounding the location where the command is executed (but not in the room itself). '''mpecho''' : Syntax: mpecho <text string> : Mpecho echoes the text string to the room the prog is executed in. '''mpzecho''' : Syntax: mpzecho <text string> : Mpzecho echoes...")
N    03:07  Avendar:Prog Section 2 diffhist +10,043 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "''"Moods are for cattle and loveplay, not for fighting!"'' :''-- Gurney Halleck, Dune'' More often than not, you will want to reference the persons, mobs, or things associated with progs. Furthermore, you will not, a priori, know the names of the persons, mobs, or items which trigger or are acted on by the progs. The solution to this is a system of variables. '''Variable Syntax:''' ==1. The $ symbol== :The $ symbol prefaces every non-local variable. It is equival...")
N    03:06  Avendar:Prog Section 7 diffhist +31,371 Aeoleri talk contribs (Created page with "=If Checks= <i>Imagine all the things that had to occur, not only in his life, but in</i> <i>everybody else's, to arrange it so on that particular night, the Big Bopper</i> <i>would be in a position to live or die depending on a flipping coin. I</i> <i>became so obsessed with that idea that I gradually became capable of seeing</i> <i>the specifics of everybody's death."</i> -- Clyde Bruckman, The X-files: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose '''not''' : All if checks may tak...")
N    03:05  Avendar:OLC Appendix 1 diffhist +7,531 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=OLC= : Syntax: EDIT AREA [create/reset] [vnum] - Area Creation and Repoping. : Syntax: EDIT ROOM ([create] [vnum]) - Room Creation and Editing. : Syntax: EDIT OBJ [create] <vnum> - Object Creation and Editing. : Syntax: EDIT MOB [create] <vnum> - Mobile Creation and Editing. : Syntax: ASAVE <world/area/changed/list> - Save Editing to Disk. : Syntax: ALIST - Listing of Areas. : Syntax: RESET See Help Resets. -...")
N    03:01  Avendar:OLC Section 8 diffhist +8,251 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Recipe Data = == Overview == Recipes are stored on the crafted item--that is the ''result'' of the crafting combo. Ingredients are listed in the recipe, along with various other details. == The Recipe Data Viewer == +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Recipe Settings (Slot 0) | | Recipe type: 1 (Cooking)...")
N    03:01  Avendar:OLC Section 7 diffhist +23,733 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Hub data = <i>“Things are only impossible until they’re not.” – Captain Jean-Luc Picard</i> == Overview == Hub data is stored on an individual mob, in much the same manner as shop specifics are. However, hub data is significantly more complex and supplemented by the prog system. Because of its potential power, the unusual way it interacts with other game systems, and its ability to subsume existing quest content, it has its own section rather than an...")
N    03:01  Avendar:OLC Section 6 diffhist +3,450 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "= Hedit = <i>“You need to know where to go," Sanya said. "Yes." "And you are going to consult four large pizzas for guidance." "Yes," I said. The big man frowned for a moment. Then he said, "There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.” ― Jim Butcher, Changes</i> [ Shadow Over the Helpfiles] == Overview == Hedit allows staff members to edit existi...")
N    03:00  Avendar:OLC Section 5 diffhist +3,779 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=FEDIT= <i>"Faction seldom leaves a man honest, however it might find him.</i> <i> -Samuel Johnson</i> :Fedit allows you to create and edit npc factions. : Faction enemy and friend ratings have defaults of -700 and 700 (which means : it will take approximately 70 kills of mobs of your level for you to become : allied with or hated by a faction). : Syntax: fedit [faction number] : Provide a faction number and you will enter the editor for that : faction. To s...")
N    03:00  Avendar:OLC Section 4 diffhist +29,137 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=OEDIT= <i>"You cannot serve both God and Mammon"</i> <i>"Mmmmm.... Mammon"</i> Oedit allows you to create and edit items. Syntax: oedit [vnum] Syntax: olist Oedit can create an object, or edit an existing one, provided you specify a vnum. 'Olist' lists all the objects in an area. One you are oediting a given object, you can take a look at its properties with the show command, or just by hitting [enter]. The following are attributes which appear when you SHOW....")
N    03:00  Avendar:OLC Section 3 diffhist +25,054 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=MEDIT= <i>"They put... creatures... into his ear" </i> : The Medit command allows you to create and edit your mobiles. You can access the : editor via the MEDIT command. To create a mobile, this syntax is: : <b>medit create [vnum]</b>. To simply edit a specific mobile, the syntax is: <b>medit [vnum]</b>. : The <b>mlist</b> command lets you get a list of all mobs in an area, or a list of all : mobs with a particular name. <b>mlist [name]</b> reveals all mobs with tha...")
N    02:59  Avendar:OLC Section 2 diffhist +18,095 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=REDIT= <i>"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike..."</i> ==CREATING & EDITING== With Redit, you can create and edit your own rooms. * To create a room, the syntax is: redit create [vnum] * To edit an existing room, you can either: redit [vnum] or goto the room and then just type redit. * To get a list of all the room names in an area: rlist [all|free] [columns]. "All" shows the name of all the rooms. "Free" displays only room vnums that have not yet...")
N    02:59  Avendar:OLC Section 1 diffhist +6,509 Elanthe talk contribs (Created page with "=AEDIT= <i>"How long, oh Lord, how long shall the wicked endure?"</i> : Relevant Command: '''aedit''' : The Aedit commands invokes the area editor. If you are in an existing area, : aedit will bring up the area options. If you want to create a new area, the : syntax is: aedit create : '''OPTIONS:''' Once in aedit, you can set the following options: : '''Important note:''' After using the NAME, FILE, VNUM, LNUM, or HNUM commands below, always : asave list. If you...")

18 January 2025

     22:45  Holy flame diffhist 0 Undaedalus talk contribs
     22:42  Zeal diffhist +4 Undaedalus talk contribs
     19:54  Fire scholar‎‎ 2 changes history +328 [Undaedalus‎ (2×)]
19:54 (cur | prev) +329 Undaedalus talk contribs (→‎Fire/Spirit)
19:38 (cur | prev) −1 Undaedalus talk contribs (→‎Spells)
N    19:54  Glyph of Empathy diffhist +532 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Glyph of Empathy |type= Spell |subtype= Buff, Protection, Damage |user= Fire/Spirit |duration= |castingCost= 80 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Target PC or Mobile |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Glyph of Empathy' <target> }} When placed upon a target, a glyph of empathy will take in all damage the bearer incurs, letting it pass through unaltered. When the glyph burns itself out, it will explode, dealing a portion of all damage felt back...")
N    19:51  Affinity diffhist +836 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Affinity |type= Spell |subtype= Item buff |user= Spirit scholar |duration= Permanent |castingCost= 150 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Target inventory item |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Affinity' <item> }} This spell creates an inextricable bond between the caster and an item in his possession. If it should ever leave his hands, even through death, that item will be returned to its owner in short order. This spell persists even if the...")
N    19:48  Unfetter mana diffhist +702 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Unfetter mana |type= Spell |subtype= Self buff |user= Spirit scholar |duration= level/2 hours |castingCost= 15 mana + stored spell cost |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= |delay= |requirements= |syntax= cast 'unfetter mana' <spell name> }} By quickly lashing ties of energy about a spell just as he casts it, an acolyte of spirit can ready a working for later release. When he is next in combat, his pent-up spell will be automatically unfettered, rele...")
N    19:44  Bond of souls diffhist +519 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Bond of Souls |type= Spell |subtype= Group Buff |user= Spirit scholar |duration= level/4 hours |castingCost= 85 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Target Groupmate |delay= |requirements= |syntax= cast 'bond of souls' <groupmate> }} This spell creates a magical bond between the caster and a groupmate. Once the bond is established, both participants will gain a significant bonus to both maximum hit points and mana. If either so bonded is killed, t...")
N    19:41  Soulbrand diffhist +778 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Soulbrand |type= Spell |subtype= Weapon buff |user= Fire/Spirit |duration= 1.5+(level/6) hours |castingCost= 50 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Target Inventory Weapon |delay= |requirements= |syntax= cast 'soulbrand' <target> }} A scholar of the spheres of spirit and fire may link the fiery energy of her own soul to one or more weapons, making them burn with flame and empowering them to do additional damage. Each time the weapon is used -- whe...")
N    19:36  Elemental flame diffhist +576 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Elemental Flame |type= Spell |subtype= Self Buff, Anti-Fire |user= Fire scholar |duration= |castingCost= 75 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Self only |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Elemental Flame' }} With this spell, a fire scholar may suffuse themself with pure elemental flame. This will draw fire magics toward them: anyone fighting them has a chance of being stripped of infravision, enflame, frenzy, wings of flame, ...")
N    19:33  Hearthlight‎‎ 2 changes history +427 [Undaedalus‎ (2×)]
19:33 (cur | prev) +114 Undaedalus talk contribs
19:28 (cur | prev) +313 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Hearthlight |type= Spell |subtype= Transportation |user= Fire scholar |duration= Instant |castingCost= 80 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Global |delay= |requirements= |syntax= cast 'Hearthlight' <target fire> }} The Hearthlight spell allows the caster to move from one fire to another.")
N    19:31  Ignite enchantment‎‎ 2 changes history +933 [Undaedalus‎ (2×)]
19:31 (cur | prev) +46 Undaedalus talk contribs
19:30 (cur | prev) +887 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Ignite Enchantment |type= Spell |subtype= Damage, Dispel, Anti-earth |user= |duration= |castingCost= |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Ignite Enchantment' <target> }} With this spell, a scholar of fire may attempt to overwhelm and burn out a large number of enchantments wielded by casters of earth magics. This will destroy a mantle of earth, and dispel: smooth terrain, clay shield, fortify, stabi...")
N    19:25  Aegis of grace diffhist +896 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Aegis of Grace |type= Spell |subtype= Buff |user= Spirit scholar |duration= 18 hours |castingCost= 30 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Caster's group |delay= |requirements= |syntax= cast 'aegis of grace' }} By enshrouding herself and her groupmates in protective magics drawn from divine grace, a mage of the spirit sphere can ward allies against negative influences. This spell reduces the damage taken from a variety of evil sources, such as unde...")
N    19:22  Living flame diffhist +913 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Living Flame |type= Spell |subtype= Self buff, Haste |user= Fire Scholar |duration= |castingCost= 50 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Self |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Living Flame' }} The spell places the target in contact with the plane of fire, allowing the caster to maintain a conduit through which power may be drawn. This grants a bonus to the target's dexterity, hitroll, damroll, and hit points, proportionally...")
N    19:18  Corona‎‎ 2 changes history +835 [Undaedalus‎ (2×)]
19:18 (cur | prev) 0 Undaedalus talk contribs
19:18 (cur | prev) +835 Undaedalus talk contribs (Created page with "{{skill |name= Corona |type= Spell |subtype= Anti-stealth |user= Fire scholar |duration= |castingCost= 90 mana |tickCost= |pulseCost= |range= Self |delay= |requirements= |syntax= Cast 'Corona' }} This spell limns the caster with a bright corona, causing them to shed a vivid enough light to draw anyone out of the shadows who enters the caster's current room (or vice versa, should the caster move). This will end hide, camouflage, and shadow mastery, th...")
     19:15  Beam of fire diffhist 0 Undaedalus talk contribs