
Revision as of 00:45, 29 February 2024 by Undaedalus (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Both scholars and templars of the Void gain the use of the inscribe command, and with that the knowledge of three basic symbols: the pentagram of summoning, the trigon of binding, and the circle of protection. A pentagram of summoning must be present in order for a void scholar to cast the summon spell. Trigons of binding ease casting of certain void scholar spells such as demilich, spectre, blacklight, and grave maw, but are primarily employed by templars for the...")
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Both scholars and templars of the Void gain the use of the inscribe command, and with that the knowledge of three basic symbols: the pentagram of summoning, the trigon of binding, and the circle of protection.

A pentagram of summoning must be present in order for a void scholar to cast the summon spell.

Trigons of binding ease casting of certain void scholar spells such as demilich, spectre, blacklight, and grave maw, but are primarily employed by templars for their binding rituals. Most binding rituals require specific reagents to be used, keyed to appeal to the intended demon.

Circles of protection are used to key the planar barrier spell to ward the spheres of magic; the material chosen will impact which sphere is warded.

Void scholars may also come across other symbols in their travels. The locations of these symbols must typically be intuited by the scholar, but are typically in old places of power, with a deep connection to the Void. However, the Void guilds are known for taking care of their own, and can likely be expected to provide their students with some insights in this direction.

Upon finding a place where they think a symbol might be, a Void scholar will typically use the study command to learn the symbol; if an alternate means of learning should be required, matters will be made clear in that location.