God touch

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In Avendar, the gods offer a certain background presence to the lives of all people. Some find themselves touched in ways that profoundly affect their lives, typically leaving a visible mark. This is commonly manifested at birth, but can occur at later points in life. Most consider this a sign of the god's favour, but may simply represent a passing interest. That said, if one so marked profoundly displeases a god, or is chosen as an exemplar of another god's faith, the mark will be removed.

Creating a character with a god touch costs 3 trains upon character generation, but they may be earned for free in play through good roleplay. One may only have a god touch from a single deity. Should the mark be removed for any reason, any cost will not be refunded.

The effects of these touches are as follows:

Deity Effect Mark
Aeoleri +1 max Charisma, +2 Charisma. A deity has marked (Character) with a pink beauty mark in the shape of a rose.
Alajial -22 armour class; aggressive monsters will be aggressive ten levels sooner than usual A deity has marked (Character) with flowers that sprout from the crown of (his/her/their) head.
Alil +1 max Charisma, +2 Charisma A deity has marked (Character) with sprays of bright metallic feathers.
Arkhural First strike, -10 saves vs poison A deity has marked (Character) with unusually sharp teeth.
Ashur ??? ??
Ayaunj You receive an additional 20% discount when making purchases A deity has marked (Character) with teeth and claws of precious metals.
Bayyal +10 resist fire, -10 resist cold A deity has marked (Character) with a terrible claw-shaped burn scar.
Chadraln +1 max Intelligence, +2 Intelligence A deity has marked (Character) with a knothole shaped like a lemniscate.
Dolgrael +1 max Strength, +2 Strength A deity has marked (Character) with teeth and fingernails made of iron.
Elanthe +1 max Dexterity, +2 Dexterity A deity has marked (Character) with fingertips that shine like moth-wing scales.
Elar +1 max Wisdom, +2 Wisdom A deity has marked (Character) with sprouting vines twining lovingly around (him/her/them).
Enirra +7% damage vs any character with resonance stronger than faint. A deity has marked (Character) with black and white heterochromia.
Fenthira +1 max Constitution, +2 Constitution A deity has marked (Character) with a swath of gold-edged scales.
Iandir -66 armour class A deity has marked (Character) with a faceted gemstone embedded in (his/her/their) head.
Jalassa Unarmed damage is calculated as if the masterwork weapon flag were applied A deity has marked (Character) with perpetually ice-rimed features.
Jolinn +1 max Constitution, +2 Constitution A deity has marked (Character) with eyes of sparkling sapphire.
Kurion +11% damage against targets with golden aura A deity has marked (Character) with silky cobwebs shrouding (his/her/their) vision.
Kyana +11% damage against targets with red aura A deity has marked (Character) with sparkling horns.
Lielqan Chance to not lose a death upon dying; you do not suffer penalties from the Gamaloth domain A deity has marked (Character) with a row of jagged, sharp teeth.
Lilune +1 max Intelligence, +2 Intelligence A deity has marked (Character) with a crescent-shaped beauty mark.
Nariel +1 scan range, first strike ???
Rveyelhi +1 max Wisdomm, +2 Wisdom A deity has marked (Character) with a second shadow, always following.
Rystaia -10 saves vs negative A deity has marked (Character) with a faint halo of light.
Serachel Your aura never appears redder than faint red, regardless of resonance A deity has marked (Character) with a transparent, spectral mask hanging before (his/her/their) face.
Sitheus Unarmed attacks deal disease damage A deity has marked (Character) with a single mummified but fully functional limb.
Sythrak +1 max Dexterity, +2 Dexterity A deity has marked (Character) with a heat haze perpetually mantling (his/her/their) body.
Vaialos N/A N/A
Yolsei Bonus lightning damage (max 12 points) on all melee attacks A deity has marked (Character) with exceptionally long, pointed ears.