Grave of Storms

The Grave of Storms, known variously as Anzluchi, Endeqil, and Aehiori, is a volcanic island in the Uthlin Ocean to the northeast of Ashta Harrud. Formerly a peninsula connected to the main landmass of Avendar, the volcano underwent an apocalyptic eruption with the emergence of Bayyal, turning the it into a tremendous, flooded caldera and separating the island from the mainland permanently.



Even before the War of Fire, the Harrudim regarded the Grave of Storms as cursed, refusing to settle in the region even during the meteoric expansion of their empire. The nefortu emerged there alone, shaped by Ayaunj and Yolsei. They made their homes within the trees and the expansive network of lava tubes within the mountain, becoming early masters of earth and air magic and introducing the first Ayaunj-backed currencies, the descendants of which persist to the modern day.

When Bayyal emerged and triggered the volcano's eruption, every nefortu dwelling upon Anzluchi was slain almost instantly in the wash of apocalyptic flame; in the next instant, the dead nefortu were restored to life by Bayyal and offered access to his uniquely destructive fire magic. Many accepted, but regardless of whether they did, all were forced to depart from what remained of Anzluchi. Every other trace of life had been annihilated, and nothing but ashes of their old ways of life remained.


Following the end of the War of Fire, the nefortu wholly abandoned the barren now-island in favor of other lands. Over time the ethron came in their place, naming the island Endeqil. With the druidic arts they were able to restore the land, but Bayyal's influence remained in the very earth and sea, tinting both its flora and fauna-- including the ethron-- vivid shades of red.

After a number of border skirmishes with nearby Harrud, the collective ethron clans of Endeqil agreed to join the Protectorate of Harrud. Despite this and despite the great wealth trade brought them, the clans of Endeqil were known for being incredibly isolationist, and non-ethron were not tolerated any closer than the settlements on the Harrudim coast. The ethron cultivated and traded many unusual crops, largely with the Harrudim, including coffee, mango, and chocolate via these thriving port clans. This state of affairs persisted for millennia until the actions of Eshrin Linphori in 1530 rained An'akartan fire upon the island for Alil, destroying 70% of its landmass and permanently annihilating the souls of everyone living upon it. Though a handful of ethron clans survived, particularly coastal and underwater clans, most were wiped out.


The aelin Empire of Daphoa sent an expedition to the now-destroyed island to begin its settlement and the long process of healing the land of its utter destruction. The survivors of Endeqil still called the devastated island their home however; knowing a Daphoan had destroyed it and that Daphoans were now settling upon it, they successfully fought against the colonizing aelin for decades. Work to restore the island persisted, but An'akarta's fire had scarred the very earth.

Over 30 years of stalemate against the ethron lead to the Daphoan senate approving a special forward expeditionary force in 1565 that became known as the Second Seven. After a series of escalating atrocities culminating in a second use of An'akartan fire against the ethron, and with growing pressure from the rest of Harrud, those few who survived agreed to begin negotiating with Daphoa. Their holdings vastly reduced, the Collective of Endeqil shrank to a handful of clans on the Harrudim coast and under the Uthlin Ocean, and the Empire of Daphoa claimed the new province of Aehiori for its own.