Avendar:Prog Appendix 4

Revision as of 03:09, 19 January 2025 by Elanthe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Appendix 4: List of If Checks = if adrenaline(var) == # if cansee(var) == var2 if charisma(var) == # if class(var) == # if compstr(#) == arg if compx() == arg if constitution(var) == # if demonstate() == # if dexterity(var) == # if goldamt(var) == # if hasboat(var) if haspath(npc) if hasrelief(var) if hassymbol(var) == arg if hitprcnt(var) == # if inarea(var) if inhouse(var) == House if inroom(var) == vnum of room if intelligence(var...")
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Appendix 4: List of If Checks

if adrenaline(var) == # 
if cansee(var) == var2 
if charisma(var) == # 
if class(var) == # 
if compstr(#) == arg 
if compx() == arg 
if constitution(var) == # 
if demonstate() == # 
if dexterity(var) == # 
if goldamt(var) == # 
if hasboat(var) 
if haspath(npc)
if hasrelief(var) 
if hassymbol(var) == arg
if hitprcnt(var) == # 
if inarea(var) 
if inhouse(var) == House 
if inroom(var) == vnum of room 
if intelligence(var) == # 
if isanimal(var)
if isanypcarea() 
if isanypchere(var) 
if isanynpchere(var) 
if isanyobjere(var) 
if isastral(var) 
if isaffected(var) == Bit number of the affect 
if isbalanced(var) 
if isbitset(var) == Bit # 
if iscarrying(var) == vnum of the object 
if ischaotic(var) 
if ischarmed(var) 
if iscriminal(var) 
if isday() == # 
if isevil(var) 
if isexists() 
if isfemale(var) 
if isfight(var) == name 
if isfighting(var) == name 
if isflying(var) 
if isfocused(var) 
if isfollow(var) 
if isghost(var) 
if isgood(var) 
if isgroup(var) & var2 
if isheld(var) 
if ishere(var) 
if isimmort(var) 
if isindoors(var) 
if isinhouse(var) 
if islawful(var) 
if islight() 
if ismale(var) 
if ismaster(var) 
if isneuter(var) 
if isneutral(var) 
if isnpc(var) 
if isopen(var) == # or Direction 
if isoverlimit() == Vnum of the object 
if isowner(var) 
if ispc(var) 
if isphase() == # 
if israce(var) == Race 
if isrange(var) == var2 
if isseason() == # or season 
if istime() == # 
if istrack(var) 
if istracking(var) 
if iswizi(var) 
if iswearslotfull(var) == # 
if isweather() == # 
if iswielding(var) == vnum of the object 
if isworn(var) 
if lagged(var)
if level(var) == # 
if level41corpsehere()
if material() == Material type 
if mobvcheck(var) == # 
if mobhere(vnum of mob) 
if mobvalue(mob slot) == # 
if name(var) == Name 
if number([var]) == <vnum>
if objhere(vnum of object) 
if objfrom(var) == <animal|celestial>
if objtype() == # 
if objval0() == # 
if objval1() == # 
if objval2() == # 
if objval3() == # 
if objvalue(obj slot) == # 
if perminvis([var])
if position(var) == # 
if rand(#) 
if remembers(var) 
if recentowner([var]) == <name>
if regex() == <regular expression>
if roomflag(var) == <room flag name>
if roomvalue(room slot) == # 
if sector(var) == <sector name>
if sex(var) == # 
if size(var) == # or size 
if skill[vnum of skill](var) == # 
if snaffected(var) == vnum of spell affect 
if strength(var) == # 
is tanking(var) 
if valname(var) == var2 
if wisdom(var) == #