Void scholar

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“Are you willing to serve the Conclave? Remember… we do not reward failure.”
—Guildmaster Calirin of Earendam, High Priest of the Aklaju

This master of negative energies makes pacts with demons, causing death, disease, poison and plague, even raising the dead. The energies manipulated by this sphere resonate with Lawful and Evil, thus precluding all good aligned characters and those of chaotic ethoi.


Born of the shuddeni and their master, Tzet-Askhari, the magics of Void became the binding thread that held their fragile, volatile society together. In the centuries before contact with other races, it was this power which determined who and what directed shuddeni lives. Human scholars, following the lead of such infamous pioneers as the Lilunite Archmage Kaagn, descended into the dark underworld in search of greater power. As the War of Night shrouded the world, the races of the Prime learned to fear the might of the Dragon and its dread minions; in turn, the aelin would take to the study of demonkind, following the direction of their god, Serachel. Even the srryn, by way of Sitheus, found themselves taken by blood pacts and control of the dead. In time, these various threads would be woven together into the modern studies of the Void scholar.

Those who minor in the study of Void typically skirt the primary focus of the sphere, honing instead their simpler maledictions and general magical empowerment. The path of the major sphere squarely focuses on the Void scholar’s primary tools: symbols of power. They are used to empower spells, bind spirits, and most importantly, conjure demons from specific locations beyond the Silver Veil. Greater scholars of Void make use of these symbols in a variety of ways– distinct from one another in how or where they inscribe such diabolic signs.

As a planar sphere, Void magic is not strictly granted by any individual god; yet, it is undeniable that all of its power inevitably derives from the will of Ashur. Other deities that are commonly venerated are Serachel and Lilune, with a less prominent dedication to Sitheus. It is also possible, even likely, that a Void scholar will become enmeshed in the machinations of one of the Thirteen ancient demon lords, and in turn, be called into their service. Regardless, the energies manipulated by this sphere resonate with Lawful and Evil, thus precluding all good aligned characters and those of chaotic ethoi. While shuddeni are the most notorious students of the Void, humans, aelin, nefortu, and even caladaran and ethron, have all found themselves linked to its study.

Minor & Major Void



Greater Paths

At creation, a scholar may choose to focus on one element, and thereby become a greater scholar of that element. Such magi gain access to the greater paths later in their career.

Riven Veil

The Riven Veil masters the art of creating pacts with demonkind, these summoners are able to conjure the mightiest of dark lords to the Prime Material and ravage any who oppose them.




Instead of summoning demons, necromancers bring forth fiends from corpses, using symbols of power to heighten the strength and attributes of their abominations. By becoming revenants, they gain nigh-everlasting unlife.

Necromancer loses these Major Void spells: Lesser Demon Summon, Demon Summon, Banish, Demonic Control.




The malefactor learns to cut symbols of power into themself, and swears their undying soul to demonic patrons who, in turn, grant the scholar vast power to dominate foes.

Only evil characters may chose the Path of Nightfall. Nightfall loses these Major Void spells: Lesser Demon Summon, Demon Summon, Banish, Demonic Control.



Demonic Patrons

In addition to gaining the power to bind symbols to themselves, malefactors choose three demonic patrons when they choose the Path of Nightfall. The choice of demonic patrons is permanent, as it represents your character’s special relationship to these demons. Each patron grants a specific skill or spell.

Mixed Spheres

All scholars have the option of choosing a minor field of study to complement their major, a choice which grants them access to the lesser spells of that sphere. The increased awareness of both forms of magic sometimes lends greater insight into the Art than either alone, allowing for certain ‘mixed-sphere’ abilities, such as fire and earth combining to form lava.


Calling upon the servants of Xthjich, these devotees become his soldiers, shrouding themselves in smoke and breathing fire.




By adopting the mantle of Bahhaoth of the Dead Sea, these magi leech health from ally and enemy to replenish their own.

