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The Tiled Clothing Shop is a clothing/armour shop on the western side of the City of Yithoul, operated by Lalsha Verherit. Many of the items here are Evil-flagged.

Price Item
15p 5g 2s
a laced pair of golden leather boots
| Object:   a laced pair of golden leather boots |
| Flags:    evil                                 |
| Weight:   4.0                                  |
| Wear:     feet                                 |
| Level:    47                                   |
| Material: bone                                 |
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor                            |
| AC:  9                                         |
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| Affects mana by 10                             |
| Affects saves by -2                            |
| Affects damage roll by 2                       |
| Affects hp by 10                               |
a fluted bottle of skin oil
| Object:   a fluted bottle of skin oil |
| Flags:    none                        |
| Weight:   0.3                         |
| Wear:     none                        |
| Level:    47                          |
| Material: glass                       |
| ------------------------------------- |
| Type:         oil                     |
| Level:        0                       |
a loosely-tied pair of embroidered trousers
| Object:   a loosely-tied pair of embroidered trousers |
| Flags:    none                                        |
| Weight:   2.0                                         |
| Wear:     legs                                        |
| Level:    47                                          |
| Material: silk                                        |
| ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor                                   |
| AC:  7                                                |
| ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Affects mana by 15                                    |
| Affects hp by 15                                      |
| Affects saves by -2                                   |
| Affects armor class by -5                             |
26p 4g
a pair of tight, golden leather pants
| Object:   a pair of tight, golden leather pants |
| Flags:    evil                                  |
| Weight:   4.0                                   |
| Wear:     legs                                  |
| Level:    47                                    |
| Material: leather                               |
| ----------------------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor                             |
| AC:  6                                          |
| ----------------------------------------------- |
| Affects mana by 12                              |
| Affects damage roll by 2                        |
| Affects saves by -2                             |
| Affects armor class by -3                       |
22p 6g
a short, golden leather vest
| Object:   a short, golden leather vest |
| Flags:    evil                         |
| Weight:   2.0                          |
| Wear:     torso                        |
| Level:    50                           |
| Material: leather                      |
| -------------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor                    |
| AC:  6                                 |
| -------------------------------------- |
| Affects hp by 12                       |
| Affects damage roll by 2               |
| Affects hit roll by 2                  |
| Affects armor class by -2              |
24p 4g
a golden pair of fingerless gloves
| Object:   a golden pair of fingerless gloves |
| Flags:    evil                               |
| Weight:   1.0                                |
| Wear:     hands                              |
| Level:    50                                 |
| Material: leather                            |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor                          |
| AC:  5                                       |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| Affects saves by -2                          |
| Affects damage roll by 2                     |
| Affects hp by 10                             |
19p 3g
a fringed silk headwrap
| Object:   a fringed silk headwrap |
| Flags:    none                    |
| Weight:   0.9                     |
| Wear:     head                    |
| Level:    47                      |
| Material: silk                    |
| --------------------------------- |
| Type:         armor               |
| AC:  3                            |
| --------------------------------- |
| Affects hp by 20                  |
| Affects mana by 10                |
| Affects hit roll by 2             |
20p 5g
a knitted silk robe=
| Object:   a knitted silk robe |
| Flags:    none                |
| Weight:   6.0                 |
| Wear:     body                |
| Level:    47                  |
| Material: silk                |
| ----------------------------- |
| Type:         armor           |
| AC:  7                        |
| ----------------------------- |
| Affects armor class by -8     |
| Affects saves by -2           |
| Affects hp by 20              |
| Affects mana by 20            |