
Revision as of 21:36, 3 March 2024 by Undaedalus (talk | contribs)
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Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Lag, PvP,, Movement cost increase
Primary user: Earth templar
Duration: Special
Casting cost: 40 mana
Range: Target PC or Mob
Syntax: Cast 'Density' <target>

When cast, this spell will attempt to lag the target; should it connect at the cast, for the next several rounds, there is a chance based on the caster level of the spell to keep lagging them.

Once all lag stages are complete, the spell will finally increase the density of the target, occasionally causing them to 'crumple' mid combat, lagging them. This will also increase the target's movement costs, and occasionally prevent them from standing from sleep. Nefortu and anyone else of small size will be unaffected.

The caster may act freely while this spell is in progress. Should the caster use a fire spell of any sort while the spell is in progress, this will disrupt it and prevent any remaining stages from occurring.