
Revision as of 16:09, 27 February 2024 by Undaedalus (talk | contribs)
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Skill type: weapon buff
Skill subtype: Poison. Debuff
Primary user: Assassin
Duration: Varies, see prepare skill
Casting cost: 12 Mana
Range: Single Inventory Weapon or arrow
Requirements: Prepare, a non-blunt non-poisonous weapon
Syntax: Envenom <target weapon/arrow> <poison>

The most basic of poisoning skills taught to assassins, envenom may be used to poison a weapon carried by the assassin, so long as that item is not an instrument of blunt force or imbued with certain rare magical effects (such as being innately poisonous). The poison will wear off once the poison has been delivered to its target. This skill may indeed be used upon arrows.

The poisons used by this skill are those created in advance via the prepare skill and no others. In general, there is a lessened chance of delivering the effect of a poison via envenom.

See Also: Prepare, Taint, Dart