Binding rituals

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Void templars, like their scholar brethren, deal in the binding of demonkind. Both make use of the inscribe skill to achieve this, but in different ways. While the scholar learns various symbols to use in her conjurations, a Void templar begins play with the only inscription required for his arts: the trigon of binding.

Certain mixed Void scholars learn binding rituals as well: these rituals require unique symbols, and do not use the trigon. In all other respects they are identical, and where 'templar' is used following, this does also apply to scholars.

To perform a binding, a void templar must first wait for nightfall. The trigon must be inscribed in the room in which he intends to cast the binding spell. Each possible demon the templar is able to bind requires the symbol be scribed in a different, specific reagent. These reagents will typically be available for ready purchase from guilds and apothecaries. After the trigon is inscribed, the binding spell may then be cast.

If the binding is successful, that weapon or shield can now only be wielded or worn by the void templar who performed the binding ritual; others will be zapped by it when they attempt to do so. If the casting is unsuccessful, the summoned creature will immediately attack the void templar, and should the demon win, it will also devour the templar's corpse and possessions.

Should any item bound with a demon be destroyed, the demon will be released. The spirit templar spell exorcism can also free a bound demon from an item. In either case, the demon will gate to the void templar who bound it and attack, much in the same fashion as if the templar's spell had failed.

See also: Bind demon, Inscribe