Ward of grace

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Ward of Grace
Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Defensive, anti-void, Resistance, Anti-demon, anti-undead
Primary user: Spirit templar
Duration: 18 hours
Casting cost: 30 mana
Range: User only
Syntax: cast 'ward of grace'

This lesser version of the scholar's spell Aegis of Grace also enshrouds the caster in protective magics, shielding him from negative influences. The only distinction between this working and that of a full mage is that this will ward only the caster, not including his group; similarly, he may not refresh the spell before its natural termination.

By enshrouding themself in protective magics drawn from divine grace, a Spirit Templar can ward allies against negative influences. This spell reduces the damage taken from a variety of evil sources, such as undead, demons, and magical damage of type harm, negative, or defilement. As its power is drawn from the holiness of the one shielded, the effectiveness of this aegis will vary according to the aura of the caster. Those of evil bent will find no succor at all, while those with the purest souls will be greatly protected.