
Revision as of 05:27, 13 September 2023 by Elanthe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Avendar is not a business or a service. We do not have customers. This is a game which we design and build as our hobby and invite other people to play and enjoy with us. Every part of the game will always be free, and no advantage will ever be offered to a player-character for donations given to assist Avendar in its operation costs. The atmosphere we want to cultivate is that of a group of acquaintances coming together at one person's house to play a tabletop adventur...")
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Avendar is not a business or a service. We do not have customers. This is a game which we design and build as our hobby and invite other people to play and enjoy with us. Every part of the game will always be free, and no advantage will ever be offered to a player-character for donations given to assist Avendar in its operation costs.

The atmosphere we want to cultivate is that of a group of acquaintances coming together at one person's house to play a tabletop adventure game with a big roleplaying aspect, such as Pathfinder. Even as our characters may engage in conflicts both along and against one another, those should not influence how we treat one another around the table, so to speak. We don't have to be best friends, but we expect civility and for people to refrain from behavior that is malicious, harmful, or unsportsmanlike. If you aren't sure whether something is going to be a problem, ask. If something genuinely bothers to you, politely bring it up either directly or with a staff member. This applies to every space within the locus of our control, including the Avendar game itself, the official Discord server, and this wiki. These standards of behavior also apply to players and staff alike.

We have no interest in developing an exhaustive and specific list of things you can and cannot do and instead advise you use the above as a guideline. That said, this is a short list of activities which are egregiously unacceptable, and will get you immediately denied and/or banned:

  • Any expression of real-world bigotry including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia
  • Pedophilia or child sexual material of any kind