Enhanced damage

Revision as of 20:34, 31 January 2024 by Undaedalus (talk | contribs)
Enhanced Damage
Skill type: Put which type of skill it is here. Options include: Ability/Form/Skill/Song/Spell
Skill subtype: Broad strokes what the skill does. Attack, buff, debuff, defense, healing, passive
Primary user: Generally speaking, what class uses this skill. Please link relevant classes or professions
Duration: What is the skill's duration
Casting cost: What is the skill's cost to activate, if any
Per-tick cost: What is the skill's cost per tick, if any. This only applies to psionic foci
Per-pulse cost: What is the skill's cost per pulse, if any. This only applies to bardic songs
Range: Targeting information, if it's self only or on an ally or an enemy or adjacent rooms or global, etc
Recast delay: How long does it take to cast the spell again. This can be anything between a proper hours-long cooldown or the number of rounds it lags you for
Requirements: What does this skill require in order to be used, if anything
Syntax: What is the proper syntax to use the skill, if any

Most of the non-scholarly guilds offer their students training in heightening the force of their blows. A higher skill will see better results at these techniques, as will a better weapon.

Primary Attribute: Strength