
Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Spell improvement, Damage
Primary user: W/f scholar
Duration: 3 Hours
Casting cost: 55 Mana
Range: Caster Only
Syntax: Cast 'Antipode'

This spell draws on the diametric opposition between a mage's spheres, channeling it into explosive force. While this spell is active, should the caster use the immolate spell, a great deal of power will be drained from their own defensive powers-- specifically communion, Sunset sigil, polar aura, soothing mist, and sanctuary. This will then be channeled to devastating effect into that immolation, a burst of additional intertwined fire and ice. This will recur each subsequent casting of the spell so long as the antipode is active, albeit to a lesser extent with each blow.

Should the spells the caster uses to power the antipode be fully depleted, they will be dispelled.