Nariel's whistle

Nariel's Whistle
Skill type: Skill
Skill subtype: Summon
Primary user: Ranger
Duration: Permanent
Recast delay: 24 Hours
Requirements: Wilderness Terrain
  • Narielswhistle
  • Narielswhistle set <name> <sex>

Rangers may call upon the power of Nariel's Whistle, fey hunter-goddess of the ethron people. An animal will heed the call: it will always be the same animal, but the user has no control over what animal chooses them. Before summoning the animal, one must set a name and sex for them; this is arbitrary on the ranger's part.

This will summon the animal to the ranger even if they are alive but present elsewhere in the world. While the animal is alive, the ranger will gain a bonus to hitroll and damroll; should the pet die, this will become a penalty. Once the penalty fades, the animal may be summoned once again.

The animal has a mind of their own and will only respond to a limited set of orders: they may emote (et cetera) for roleplay purposes and they may be ordered to move in given directions (or enter places) due to special programs which may prevent them from following normally. They will actively attempt to avoid directly taking damage, and will dart behind the ranger whenever they can in combat.

Should the ranger gain a level, so will the animal. If the ranger is recalled to their altar or teleported randomly, the animal will join them.

See also: Shared Instincts, Savage Interception