Unseen servant

Unseen Servant
Skill type: Spell
Skill subtype: Item delivery, teleportation
Primary user: Spirit templar
Duration: Instant
Casting cost: 35 mana
Range: Inventory Object / Single PC
Syntax: cast 'unseen servant' <item> <target>

With this spell, a spirit templar may call forth an astral being which may transport objects to another character. This being will however be stymied by rooms that cannot be teleported into, and those targets who have 'nosummon' toggled on will have a chance to resist being handed anything. If the object is marked with a rune of spirit, the save is automatic; thus, such objects may only be sent in this fashion to those with 'nosummon' toggled off.

If the recipient has 'accept' toggled off, the spirit will simply drop the item on the ground at his feet. Should the servant be unable to deliver the item for any reason, it will return it to the caster.