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*Hawkform : [[Evade]], [[dive]], [[controlled flight]], [[gouge]], and a very limited percent in [[iterative attack|fourth attack]]. They also fly naturally.
*Hawkform : [[Evade]], [[dive]], [[controlled flight]], [[gouge]], and a very limited percent in [[iterative attack|fourth attack]]. They also fly naturally.
*Sharkform : A [[boneshatter|bite]] attack, [[decapitate]], and a greater amount of [[iterative attack|fourth attack]].
*Sharkform : A [[boneshatter|bite]] attack, [[decapitate]], and a greater amount of [[iterative attack|fourth attack]].
*Wolfform : [[Pounce]], [[predatory attack]], and a [[boneshatter|bite]]attack. When Rhos is full, they gain [[brutal damage]]. When Lunus is full, they gain [[iterative attack|fourth attack]].
*Wolfform : [[Pounce]], [[predatory attack]], and a [[boneshatter|bite]] attack. When Rhos is full, they gain [[brutal damage]]. When Lunus is full, they gain [[iterative attack|fourth attack]].
*Bearform : [[Brutal damage]], [[iterative attack|fourth attack]], [[maul]], and [[bash]].
*Bearform : [[Brutal damage]], [[iterative attack|fourth attack]], [[maul]], and [[bash]].

Revision as of 02:45, 27 February 2024

Claim Aspect
Skill type: Skill
Skill subtype: Self Buff, Transformation
Primary user: Druid
Duration: 4+(Level/4) Hours
Casting cost: 30 Mana
Range: User Only
  • Claimaspect <wolf, bear, hawk, shark, or none>
  • Revert

This skill causes the user to temporarily take on the aspect of an animal, gaining powerful abilities much like the natural beings. While holding this aspect, it is impossible to cast spells. Changing aspects or invoking totems are specifically not spells.

The various forms all provide various statistical changes visible on affects and also impart a variety of skills and abilities:

The 'claim none' and 'revert' commands are functionally identical. Should one somehow be affected by beastform, such as via an herb, it will not be possible to freely shift between forms.