Status effect

Status effects are negative debuffs that usually have fixed duration. Some status effects work differently when applied to players or mobs.


Characters affected by blindness are unable to use the look command in any way, and are unable to manipulate items, save to drink glowing potions, eat food, or drink water if these items are openly in his inventory. Characters affected by blindness attack and defend more poorly unless they are proficient in blindfighting.

See Also: Blindness, Gouge, Blinding dust, Dirt kicking


Most poisons will penalize the target's strength slightly and cause them to take damage every half-hour. Some poisons may also be applied through food or drink. Certain poisons, such as those of venomous desert adders, are much stronger than others. Some weapons may be poisoned as well, to afflict those struck with the same poison. Hiding and using camouflage is more difficult while poisoned due to the regular damage. Getting restful sleep is nearly impossible.

Assassins have access to specialized poisons with additional effects. See the prepare skill for details.

See also: Serpent's fang, Prepare, Rotsbane


Diseases cause a person to take damage every half hour, and often cause the person to suffer a severe penalty to their strength score. Diseases are generally harder to cure than poisoning and typically last much longer. Some diseases also have a chance to spread to nearby PCs or mobs each time they harm the afflicted. Hiding and using camouflage is typically more difficult while diseased, and getting restful sleep is also extremely difficult to due the periodic damage waking the afflicted each half hour.

See also: Plague, Pestilence


Bleeds cause a person to take damage every half hour. Many bleeding affects stack, increasing the periodic damage the target takes with each application. Hiding and using camouflage is typically impossible while bleeding, due to the trails of blood giving away the injured person's location. Getting restful sleep is also extremely difficult to due the periodic damage waking the afflicted each half hour.

See also: Form of the Wasp, Form of the asp. Thorn spray, Gash, Arrowcraft, Cauterize


Burns cause a person to take fire damage every half hour. Many burns also cause a person to take rapid fire damage over time, triggering multiple times per tick. Hiding and using camouflage is typically difficult while burning, due to the constant incoming damage. Getting restful sleep is similarly difficult. Burns tend to be one of the more difficult status effects to remove, the victim often having little choice but to wait for the fires to burn out of their own volition. Or you could try jumping into a lake.

See also: Immolate, Aggravate wounds, Arrowcraft, Douse


Curses are magical afflictions when tend to be long lasting, difficult to remove, and vary widely in their individual effects. The eponymous curse spell is the most widely known example, and is noted for reducing the accursed person's statistics and preventing the use of transportation spells. Unlucky adventurers also my find cursed weapons and equipment which cannot be removed once held or worn. Those who disturb the dead or take what is not there's may find themselves subjected to other maledictions with effects limited only to the creativity of the entity that created them.

Whether the curse falls on an individual or an item they are in possession of, it is often possible to decurse them by casting a spell like ritual cleansing or remove curse directly on the person.

Some cursed equipment such as weapons may have value to the right adventurer, as they cannot be forcibly removed from the wielder by disarming attacks or theft.

See also: Curse, Ritual cleansing, Remove curse


When you sleep, you regenerate hit points, mana, and movement points faster. However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you sleep, you won't hear many things happen unless you have the Light sleeper trait. You will wake up if you take any damage, including periodic damage such as from bleeding our poison.

Certain actions that would normally initiate combat, like the casting of hostile non-damaging spells and failed attempts at stealing, will not wake a sleeper. Certain spells and abilities can put the target into a state of forced sleep, which they cannot voluntarily wake up from with the Wake command. It is usually only possible to awaken from forced sleep by taking damage or waiting for the duration to expire.

See Also:Waylay, Prepare, Bolo, Lucid dreaming

Skill Penalty

Skill penalties are status effects that reduce the effective percentage of mastery the afflicted have in skills, spells, etc. The effect is usually applied to all abilities the afflicted possess, both active and passive, and reduce them by a fixed amount. The cumulative result can be seriously detrimental, as the afflicted will do less damage and be more likely to fail with most abilities, have a reduced caster level of spells, and be markedly less able to defend themselves.

See also: Headbutt, Insect swarm, Prepare


Certain skills can be used to disarm an opponent, causing them to drop their weapon or offhand equipped item on the ground. Items dropped to the ground can be picked up, but this may take multiple attempts for a PC is in combat. The fleet trait assist in picking up dropped items during combat. Most mobs will immediately pick up disarmed weapons unless they are blinded. If the weapon has the nodrop or inventory flags, it will instead move to the wielder's inventory.

The nodisarm and noremove flags will unerring protect an item from being disarmed by normal means. Certain skills that cause the target to "drop" their weapon may bypass the nodisarm flag, but the noremove flag will still protect against them.

See Also: Disarm, Offhand disarm, Pummel, Nerve, Grip, Serpent's fang