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| house, ht, . || If you are in a [[Great House]], everyone in the house will hear this message, even if they are asleep. || ht Hey everyone, come to Earendam quick so we can jump that Champion.
| house, ht, . || If you are in a [[Great House]], everyone in the house will hear this message, even if they are asleep. || ht Hey everyone, come to Earendam quick so we can jump that Champion.
| ooc || This channel is for out-of-character chat with a specific player. OOC works at any distance. || ooc Gotta run, sorry!
| ooc || This channel is for out-of-character chat with a specific player. OOC works at any distance. || ooc elanthe Gotta run, sorry!
| oocreply || Like reply, this will send an OOC message to the last person that sent you one, even if you cannot see them. || oocreply No problem!
| newbie || The newbie channel is for out-of-character chat with everyone online who has the newbie channel turned on. || newbie Can someone tell me how favoured blade works?
| newbie || The newbie channel is for out-of-character chat with everyone online who has the newbie channel turned on. || newbie Can someone tell me how favoured blade works?

Revision as of 10:49, 11 February 2024

Roleplaying is required in Avendar. Any time you are logged in you are expected to remain in-character and respond to things as a character within the setting of Avendar would. This page will go over some of the basic commands, etiquette, and suggestions.

All areas of roleplay, including backgrounds, are subject to our rules; please ensure you are familiar with them.

Interaction Basics


Communication is the most essential part of your interactions in Avendar. You may communicate with others in a number of different ways, to express yourself in the role you have chosen. All communication should be in character (in other words, in the role of your character), unless you are using the OOC chat channel.

Unless noted, being asleep will block most communication channels, barring the use of certain skills or traits.

Speech Commands
say, ' Basic speech. Everyone in the same room as you can hear what you say. say Hello!
esay Basic speech paired with a freeform emote; please see the esay command for usage. esay 'nods and says' Yo.
tell (person) One person will hear what you tell them. You can use tell from any distance. tell Elanthe Hello!
reply Sends a tell to the last person who sent you a tell. Note that this works even on NPCs or people you cannot see. reply Who are you?
grouptell, gt, ; The people in your group can hear you. Your group will hear you even if they are asleep and from any distance. gt That guy has a nice hat. Let's take it.
yell Everyone in the same area (as shown in the where command) will hear what you yell, even if they are asleep. yell Oh no, a lion!
think Only staff members and certain classes will be able to read what you think. think Damn, she's hot.
pray Praying to the gods. Only staff see this. This can be either in-character or out-of-character; please be clear about which you intend. pray Oh Aeoleri, please notice me...
house, ht, . If you are in a Great House, everyone in the house will hear this message, even if they are asleep. ht Hey everyone, come to Earendam quick so we can jump that Champion.
ooc This channel is for out-of-character chat with a specific player. OOC works at any distance. ooc elanthe Gotta run, sorry!
oocreply Like reply, this will send an OOC message to the last person that sent you one, even if you cannot see them. oocreply No problem!
newbie The newbie channel is for out-of-character chat with everyone online who has the newbie channel turned on. newbie Can someone tell me how favoured blade works?


In addition to verbal communication, you can use various emotes to convey actions or motion. Like speech, you may freely use these in a variety of ways to express yourself in your chosen role, including performing minor magical or supernatural acts such as levitating a small object or making a flame dance on the tip of your finger. Actions may not force behaviors or feelings on other characters unless everyone in a scene has agreed upon this result. All actions must be in-character.

Other characters in the room will see all actions unless they are blinded or sleeping.

Action Commands
emote Displays an action line that begins with your character's name. emote taps the side of their head.
smote Displays an action line that can begin with anything, but must feature your character's name in the action. smote Leaning nonchalantly against the wall, Elanthe twiddles their thumbs.
pmote Like emote, but when using another PC's name, they will see themselves as the recipient ('you'), while others in the room will see the name. pmote directs a sly wink at Aeoleri.
esay Prepends your speech with an action. See esay for more detailed syntax. esay 'rolls his eyes and says' No way I'm giving you Tsyaegn.
pose Sets what others see when they look/scan into your room, prefaced by your name and current position (standing, etc). See pose for detailed syntax. pose juggling.


Socials are pre-written emotes or verbs that may be used to interact with other characters or objects. These are intended to be useful shorthand and inspiration.


When you create your character you will also be asked to write a description for them. Your description is what people see when they look at you and should physically describe your character's appearance. They should be as general as possible, so as to be appropriate in the widest possible range of situations, perspectives, emotional states, etc. Descriptions must be appropriate for the setting and the lineage you are playing; please see those pages for more details.

You can also add keywords to your description, allowing people to look at a particular thing you reference. This is called an exdesc, short for "extra description"; please see that page for more details.

A description is mandatory by level 10. If you do not have a description by this time, you will cease being able to gain new experience until you write one. Entering a placeholder (e.g. "desc goes here", "will write later promise") in order to bypass this is not acceptable and may result in your character being denied.


Start with the basics of a person's appearance: their height, build, skin/scale/feather/hair/eye colour, facial shape, etc. Get an idea of what the distinguishing features of each species are and how those would be incorporated into a person's overall look. Then you may consider what kind of cosmetics, jewelry, tattoos, dyes, or other accessories may be appropriate. All of these things together will allow you to convey something personal about your character to those who look at them.

Descriptions should not tell people about your character's history, background, thoughts, current emotional state, what actions they are currently performing, etc. As a rule of thumb, if you could not infer it about a person who is standing across the room from you and not looking at you, you should not include it in a description.


Your background is a brief summary of your character's past and origins. It should be short (<500 characters) and may be nearly anything provided it conveys salient information about your character's history and personality. Only staff can read your background.

The purpose of a background is twofold: to prompt yourself to give some thought to your character's past and motivations, and to provide staff with a brief overview of what your character's vibe/deal is so we may better incorporate your character into staff-run storylines.

You are required to have a background by level 25. If you do not have a background by this time, you will cease being able to gain new experience until you write one. Entering a placeholder (e.g. "bg goes here", "will fill in later") in order to bypass this is not acceptable and may result in your character being denied.


Backgrounds are great for hooks, but they should not be the most interesting thing about a character; the most interesting things about your character should happen in play. Your background should also primarily focus on your own character. Family or other relationships are great to include, but if a friend, family member, or other character is the most interesting, active character in your background, consider playing that character instead.

People come back from the dead in this setting. You should probably avoid backgrounds about parents dying tragically and orphaning your character unless you're prepared to answer questions about why they didn't come back for you from the altar.

If you find yourself inspired to write a lengthy or detailed story (>500 characters) about a character's life, consider putting it up on a website such as Archive of Our Own rather than using it for your character's biographical background. Contact staff if you'd like an invitation to sign up for that site.

Role Scope

In Avendar we wish to extend as much freedom as possible to players when crafting their characters and take a "yes, and" approach to interaction. Player characters may come from nearly any background and aspire to nearly any goal they wish (though no one is guaranteed to succeed). We enjoy and encourage players improvising and extrapolating new facts about the world, and if a concept is interesting and fits, we are likely to accept it as canon. There are three restrictions we place upon player characters:

  • Your character concept must fit and make sense within the setting, lore, and genre of Avendar.
  • You may not assume a role that requires or demands exceptional development effort or resources from staff.
  • All player characters are adventurers that have graduated from the School of Heroes.

Within the boundaries of those restrictions, your character may be as mundane or exceptional as possible. Your character may be a figure of destiny whispered of by Kyanans or an impoverished soul from Var Bandor that decided they would write their own legend instead of being next in a line of shopkeepers. The School of Heroes accepts those of any background, from simple farmboys to Harrudim princesses, and makes them into adventurers.